hello! welcome to my first site. it's really hard to place, but this is why it's here:
i'm a sucker for learning, in most if not all ways. creative mediums and i however have a complicated relationship, where the less mechicanical or, rather, more fluid the artform is, the less it sticks to my brain. when i found neocities, though, quite later in my life than i think i would have benefited most from it, i was absoutely struck by its charm and individuality, and above all else, the incredibly concrete method of which these gorgeous works of art are made onto. i enjoy, too, the anonymity of these artworks. willow is my name here, sure, but out in the wild, it's neither my first nor my last name. this may appear to be incredibly simple to grasp and such a given for you, but for me, when i was discovering neocities and creative webdesign as a whole, it clicked in the creative section of my brain that i simply must throw my hat in this ring.
at the end of the day, i wish for this website to be an interesting place for others to wander around and get lost in for a while. it's incredibly bare bones now, but i hope with my sparse free time and rolling obession for things like this i can build this up this site piece by piece.